
A free, real-time, multiplayer card game

Challenge your visualization and logical reasoning!

How to play

1. The game starts with 12 cards on the table

Each card has a unique combination of 4 features: number, shape, color, and shading.

2. The goal is to make "sets".

A set is a group of 3 cards where each feature is either all the same or all unique.

Here are the sets from the board above:

Same: Color, Shape and Shading

Unique: Number (1, 2, 3)

Same: Number and Color

Unique: Shape and Shading

Same: Shape

Unique: Number, Color, and Shading

Same: Nothing

Unique: Number, Shape, Color, and Shading

3. Gotchas

This is NOT a set

Color is not the same or unique

It can be tricky to spots sets sometimes, but keep in mind that for any two cards, there is exactly one card that would complete the set.

4. Gameplay

  • There are no turns in this game, the first player to make a set collects those cards and scores a point.
  • 3 new cards are dealt from the deck. The game continues until the deck is exhausted.
  • You can play solo, or with friends. On the same device, or by sharing a link!

Ready to play?